The A,B,Cs of Happiness

Remember your very first day…of first grade?

The world felt so big, didn’t it? You were there to learn the basics—your A, B, Cs. But it wasn’t just about letters and numbers.

It was about stepping into the unknown, with courage as your guide. You might not have realized it at the time, but it took a lot of bravery to walk into that classroom.

And let’s not forget the support you had—parents, teachers, and maybe even a Phanatic doll stuffed in your backpack that helped you through those first uncertain moments.

Now fast forward to today. (Do we have to? I was kinda liking the first-grade stuff!)

You’re an adult, navigating the busy highways of life, surrounded by distractions, commitments, and the deep roots you’ve planted along the way.

But those roots can sometimes leave you feeling stuck—loneliness, anxiety, or even depression creeping in. So, who’s there to guide you now?

The answer is simple: YOU are!

It’s time to take care of yourself. Time to learn the A, B, Cs of a happier, more productive life. Yes, it takes courage, but the good news is you’ve done this before. And guess what? You’re worth it.

As the beloved Stuart Smalley once said, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!” (Go ahead, smile—it’s always a good start, even when life feels tough.)

So, let’s keep it simple. Here are your A, B, Cs of happiness:

A – Accountability

Your happiness is entirely in your hands! Happiness isn’t just something that happens to you—it’s a skill you can master with practice.

Start with daily, intentional activities that lift your mood.

This is your practice, your time to focus on you. Think of it as putting on your oxygen mask first, so you can be there for the people you love. But remember, it starts with YOU!

B – Be Kind & Grateful

Kindness shifts the focus from you to others, but the magic is that it makes you happier too. At the end of each day, take a moment to be grateful—not for what you’re hoping to get, but for what you already have.

Kindness and gratitude are powerful—they boost your mental and physical health, and who knows, they might just help you live longer!

C – Care for Yourself

If you’re a high performer, you might be running on empty, always putting others first. It’s time to hit pause.

Put away the screens, step off the treadmill of busyness, and do something that makes you smile. Self-care isn’t selfish—it’s essential.

So, take that next step toward a happier, healthier, more productive life. It’s up to you, and doggone it, you deserve it! 🙏💪