The Power of Fun! book is like a take-home version of Dave’s talk. Dave wrote it specifically to tap into the energy that he delivers on stage, giving audiences a way to experience his guidance even after the talk has ended.
Read the true story of how Dave Raymond was living through one of the darkest times of his life while zipping up the green fur every night to entertain thousands of fans, and what he discovered about the Power of Fun® along the way.
See this button? That’s known in the ‘biz as the call to action. (Betcha never heard that before.) Go on, your journey to happiness starts today!
(Do you feel called? Have you taken action??)
The Power of Fun! book is like a take-home version of Dave’s talk. Dave wrote it specifically to tap into the energy that he delivers on stage, giving audiences a way to experience his guidance even after the talk has ended.
Read the true story of how Dave Raymond was living through one of the darkest times of his life while zipping up the green fur every night to entertain thousands of fans, and what he discovered about the Power of Fun® along the way.
See this button here? That’s known in the biz as the call to action! (Ha! Betcha never heard that before.) Go on…you can do it. Time to start practicing your way to happy now.
(Do you feel called? Have you taken action??)