Reflecting on Impact

Recently, I had the honor of addressing a crowd of 1700 individuals in the heavy construction industry, set against the backdrop of a historic ballroom in New York City.

It was a grand affair, with high achievers donning their finest attire, mingling over dinner and drinks.

I took the stage, spoke passionately and yet, because of the inevitable clinking of glasses and chatter, I had the feeling that my words were lost in the noise.

As I took my seat at the dais amidst polite applause, I couldn’t help but feel disheartened. But then, a moment of clarity found me, courtesy of a family to my left.

Seated beside me was a father, a revered figure in his field, soon to be honored with the highest accolade this organization could bestow.
A moment for him to remember forever!

Yet, his story was one of both triumph and tragedy, as he was battling ALS. Confined to a wheelchair, his only physical ability left was to shift his gaze.

As his daughter rose to introduce him, the room fell silent, captivated by her moving tribute to her dad and her hero.

In that poignant moment, perspective became a trusted mentor.

This family, facing unimaginable hardship, yet still finding moments of profound joy.

Their strength in the face of adversity humbled me, erasing any thoughts of failure or inadequacy and allowed me to fully celebrate their moment of joy.

Later, during the after party, I was humbled once more as individuals approached me, expressing gratitude for my words, sharing how they had resonated deeply.

Among them was the daughter of the man battling ALS, thanking me for providing a moment of calm that soothed her nerves.

It was a powerful reminder that impact isn’t always loud or immediate.

Sometimes, it’s the quiet moments of connection, the unseen ripples of influence that leave the deepest mark.

So, as you go about your day, remember; you are making a difference, even when it feels like you’re shouting into a void.

Keep sharing your stories, teaching your lessons, and trust that they will find their way to those who need them most.

For in every moment, we have the power to touch lives in ways we may never fully realize.

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